August 10, 2022
The Ultimate Roofing Checklist: 9 Steps to Protect You and Your Roof

Hiring a contractor for any job whether a roof repair or installation, a basement renovation, or even to revamp the kitchen is often a hassle for most people. Trust us when we say we've experienced and heard many horror stories. Unfortunately there's no shortage of shady contractors out there, and this will likely never change, but what can protect you is arming yourself with the knowledge necessary to ensure you work with someone you can trust.
With this in mind, we've created The Ultimate Roofing Checklist - A 9 step guide to protect you and your family and help you in your search of a trustworthy contractor. Be sure to use this before choosing a company to do your roof repair.

Download the checklist here.
The Ultimate Roofing Checklist
1. Conduct research to better understand roofing terms, materials, prices, practices and more. Get familiar with the industry so you’re not taken advantage of, and know what to look out for when searching for a roofer in your local area.
2. Ask your friends about their prior experiences and if they have any recommendations. They may know a reputable company they've had a good experience with.
3. Check Google reviews to see what others are saying about roofing companies in your area and to determine who you can trust.
4. Check Better Business Bureau for reputable roofing companies (BBB).
5. Do your own roof inspection (if safe and possible). If you’re unsure of what to look for, check out our article 7 Things You Need to Know Before Getting Your Roof Done to Save You Time and Money. It covers how to diagnose your roof and even includes photos of common signs of roofs needing repair.
6. Call around and speak to different companies. View our article What Should I Ask My Roofing Company? to better understand what information you should be finding out including their experience, certifications, warranties and more.
Note: Pay special attention to their customer service. If a company is impatient, rude, or doesn’t care to explain things in detail then they are likely hiding something and working with them will result in a negative experience.
7. Get a few inspections and quotes, not estimates done by different companies. This will help you diagnose your roof to determine what you actually need done, and give you an idea of different prices.
8. Do a final check! Be sure to share your quotes with some friends who have experienced getting their roof repaired, or any industry professionals you may be able to speak with. If you’ve followed all these steps it’s unlikely you’ll run into any issues but this will ensure that you get a second opinion from someone you trust.
9. Get everything in writing! This may seem obvious but many people forget how critical this last step is. As much as you’d like to take a company’s word for things, it’s extremely important to get everything in writing including your inspection details, quote amount, job details and of course a receipt.
Still have questions?
If you're still unsure of something and would like some expert advice, be sure to view our other blog pages including 7 things you need to know before getting your roof done to save you time and money. You may also contact us, we're always happy to answer any questions about roof repairs, roof installations or any other questions you may have.